
Solidarity with Lgzazma: Drilling a Well and Planting Fruit Trees

The Moorish Collective is organizing its first humanitarian operation.

📋 - Presentation

Well drilling is the goal. The planting of hundreds of date palms and olive trees is also planned for.

Well drilling: €3,000

Fruit trees: 500€

📋 - Objectives

Provide a water point for the villagers. Provide a water point for livestock. Promote agricultural activity. Here are the three main objectives pursued.

📋 - Why a humanitarian operation?

The Moorish Collective is part of the complementarity of Moroccan public service.

The development of a well in Legzazma is an investment for the benefit of the local population whose benefits are reflected over time.

Any questions?

The Moorish Collective is at your disposal for any additional information on Twitter:


Plate of our first well built in Legazma.


Our commitment agreement with the association We Are Solidarity.
Drilling permits. Permission to drill the well issued by the local authorities.
Drilling contract. Contract signed between the We Are Solidarité association and the company responsible for drilling.
Well drilling quote. Each meter dug costs 300 Dirhams. 100 meters dug then cost 30,000 Dirhams, as indicated below.
Quote fruit trees. 200 olive trees and 25 date trees will be planted; all representing a cost of 5,000 Dirhams.

Update 2:

The 3,521€ collected last month allowed the drilling of a well and the planting of +225 fruit trees. This sum finally allowed the drilling of a second well.

The €3,521 collected as part of our first humanitarian operation will therefore have financed:

- A well for Legzazma

- 225 olive & date trees for Legzazma

- A well for the Ait Yassine school